Saturday, August 27, 2011

What's next? Locusts?

One thing I never thought I'd be able to claim: I have experienced an earthquake. But, after the 5.9 earthquake that hit the East Coast this week, I can indeed say such a thing. I was at the office and no one really knew what was happening until it was practically over. I started to head under my desk considering my desk backs up to floor-to-ceiling windows and I didn't want to ruin my sweater by getting impaled on a large window shard. Some people started running out the doors, although I'm not sure that was the best idea since the two story atrium of our building is all glass as well.

I'm glad no one was injured and that damage was minimal. (I know the West Coast-ers were mocking us East Coast-ers for panicking, but I think that considering many people feeling this quake also lived through the 9/11 attacks in some way or another, panic seems understandable. You don't forget the fear that came with 9/11 -- even if you weren't actually at one of the sites.) Anyway, I didn't know that earthquakes made a noise - that is what threw me. There was a really loud sound accompanying the tremor and that is what made me think that we were being attacked or had been hit by something at first. Then I realized, as my stapler started bouncing towards the edge of my desk, it was an earthquake. It was definitely a scary experience and I can only imagine what a truly devasting earthquake must feel like.

The strange thing is, Colorado experienced an earthquake the day before DC was hit with one. That is very unusual. I started to worry that The Universe had it out for me and was a little behind on my current address. This irrational concern was further cemented as the week's next visitor started up the coast...

Hurricane Irene is moving through the DMV this weekend. A hurricane coming through on the heels of the quake? WTF? I figure we are due for a serious locust infestation or some other biblical plague next. Maybe the stink bugs ARE the infestation? Geez. And, everyone back home was worried about blizzards when I lived in Denver - land of no humidity and 300 days of sunshine. Uh huh.

I find the craziness that has preceeds the actual "event" is a little funny. For instance - I get stocking up on bottled water and batteries, etc. That makes sense. But, can you explain why I came home yesterday to three loaves of bread AND three packages of english muffins? Apparently, if the power goes out my parents think we are going to be eating a lot of untoasted carbohydrates.

I didn't stop and buy anything at grocery store yesterday. My rationale was if we are stuck in the house without power and nothing to eat for a few days, that will only help my weight loss goals. I've stocked up for blizzards before in Denver and gained about 10 pounds in three days. Clearly, my idea of stocking up is more about liters of wine, blocks of Velveeta and bags of tortilla chips than it is about loaves of bread and bottled water.

However you prepare for natural disasters, me and the cats hope you stay safe and dry (and well-hydrated with the beverage of your choice) this weekend as Ms. Irene comes to town!

1 comment:

  1. There was a locust on the screen of our beach house. I thought..."Great! Earthquake, hurricane AND locusts in the same week!" Genetics in action!
